澳洲新生代男星戴克蒙哥馬利(Dacre Montgomery)第二季加入 Netflix 恐怖美劇《怪奇物語》(Stranger Things),飾演的反派角色「比利」(Billy Hargrove)到了第三季有突破性表現,精湛的演技擄獲全球觀眾的心,目前已連續三週登頂全球影視資料網站 IMDb 巨星榜(STARmeter),成為近期最受歡迎明星。
對此,戴克蒙哥馬利有感而發,於 Instagram 上傳 IMDb 截圖,以及第一次搭飛機前往洛杉磯的照片,訴說這一切是怎麼開始的。
After ten years of pursuing a career in this industry - here’s a story about how it all started... I got a call, on a Friday (the last week before graduating drama school). Directions were to get on a plane the following morning (Saturday) for a test deal in Los Angeles for a film I hadn’t taped for. Casting had seen 1 of the 98 other tapes I had done that year, at home each night after finishing class. I split the business ticket for two economies and took my mother, who’d helped me the whole way. We set off from our (relatively) small city in Australia, which seemed like a billion light years away. I tested the next morning (Sunday) in front of the whole studio of executives, casting and the director. I’d never been to LA. I’d never done a test. I was scared. Fuelled by passion, but blinded by nerves. Scared about loosing my anonymity if I got the role, scared it’d been so long pursuing it, what if I couldn’t pull it off? The next morning (Monday), I got the call. A few minutes (and a mini heart attack) later - I was told I HAD THE ROLE. My mother had spent the better half of a decade telling me - “you never know what’s around the corner”. My mantra had been - “be ready for where preparation meets opportunity”. It was at this moment, I was ready. Every moment, every trial, every tribulation had happened for a reason and made me who I was. So that I could step in the shoes and the role and have the work ethic and maturity required, to make the most out of it. I had turned the “corner”. I had prepared. I was ready. The IMDB photo is just a number. But #1 - 3 weeks in a row - this means something to me. It holds value, it gives me hope. I will not squander the opportunities I have been given. I would urge each and every one of you to go out there, AND GET IT.
Dacre Montgomery(@dacremontgomery)分享的貼文 於 張貼
戴克蒙哥馬利於 Instagram 表示:
在這個產業追求演藝事業十年,這個故事關於一切是如何開始的…戲劇學校畢業前的最後一個週五,我接到一通電話,要我隔天早上搭飛機前往洛杉磯,為一部我還沒為它錄製試鏡影片的電影試演。去年下課我每晚在家都會錄製影片,選角人員看過我 98 支影片的其中一支。
雖然 IMDB 的照片只是一個數字,但三週都是第一名對我來說意義重大,也非常有價值,帶給我希望。我不會揮霍被賦予的機會,我會鼓勵每個人為目標努力。
除了戴克蒙哥馬利,本週登上 IMDb 巨星榜前十名的明星中,就有五位出自《怪奇物語》,其他分別為第二名的米莉芭比布朗(Millie Bobby Brown)、第三名的瑪雅霍克(Maya Hawke)、第六名的娜塔麗雅戴爾(Natalia Dyer),以及第八名的大衛哈伯(David Harbour)。
《怪奇物語》第三季已上線 Netflix,戴克蒙哥馬利下一部作品為《花邊教主》(Gossip Girl)編劇娜塔莉克琳斯(Natalie Krinsky)首部執導電影-愛情喜劇片《The Broken Heart Gallery》。(comicbook、instagram、imdbpro)
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